Surviving Paradise
We can give you 144,000 reasons why overlapping generations aren't a thing. Each week features a look at subjects, experiences and observations from the world of Jehovah's Witnesses, all through the eyes of a former elder who was raised as a JW in the 70's & 80's. Lots of laughs and even some tears. Beards allowed, leave your head coverings at the door. Bring a cheese danish.
Surviving Paradise
2024 December JW Broadcast: 'Leftovers' from the Annual Meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses
Surviving Paradise
Season 1
Episode 137
As Jesus watches on silently from heaven, 'the Governing Body has decided' to make a few changes inside Jehovah's Witnesses in 2024. The December JW Broadcast features Part I of the Annual Meeting from October. We cover a few 'leftovers' from October's 'spiritual feast' ... including how they want your kids, especially the males... and warnings that more sudden changes are on their way.
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INSTAGRAM: survivingparadisepodcast