Surviving Paradise
We can give you 144,000 reasons why overlapping generations aren't a thing. Each week features a look at subjects, experiences and observations from the world of Jehovah's Witnesses, all through the eyes of a former elder who was raised as a JW in the 70's & 80's. Lots of laughs and even some tears. Beards allowed, leave your head coverings at the door. Bring a cheese danish.
Surviving Paradise
Jehovah's Witness Mythology: Delusional Details About Paradise!
Surviving Paradise
Season 1
Episode 143
Living forever in paradise requires a lot of imagination... including the fact it isn't taught anywhere in the Bible. We dig into Jehovah's Witnesses mythology, including their favorite paradise 'delusions' around food, clothes, and language. You’re sure to want a Bible study once you hear what the future looks like!
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INSTAGRAM: survivingparadisepodcast