Surviving Paradise
We can give you 144,000 reasons why overlapping generations aren't a thing. Each week features a look at subjects, experiences and observations from the world of Jehovah's Witnesses, all through the eyes of a former elder who was raised as a JW in the 70's & 80's. Lots of laughs and even some tears. Beards allowed, leave your head coverings at the door. Bring a cheese danish.
Surviving Paradise
March 2025 JW Broadcasting Highlights: "Give Us Your Professional Skills & Contacts!"
Surviving Paradise
Season 1
Episode 147
Paradise in March is beautiful! JW Broadcasting this month features the Governing Body reminding Jehovah's Witnesses to 'stop seeking great things for themselves' by retelling the story of an obscure Bible character named Baruch, whose only choice in life was to record what Jeremiah was saying for 23 years or die. God's people in 2025, are then told to 'give their professional skills and contacts' to Jehovah's organization, as the speaker points to an African brother who can't feed his seven kids. Join us in paradise!
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